Saturday, January 23, 2010

No to the Status Quo

I am asking my fellow Democrats to pledge to withhold all monetary donations to the Democratic Party until the Senate healthcare bill is passed in the House. No money to the DNC, the DLC, the DCCC, the DSCC, or any candidates. Money is not the problem. Inaction is. Martha Coakley had the money to fight the soon-to-be Senator Brown, but she and the rest of the party fell asleep at the wheel. I have roots in Massachusetts and am ashamed and disgusted that the Commonwealth’s powerful democratic party couldn’t show a fraction of the respect for the seat that the late Sen. Kennedy showed. If you were wondering how to dishonor a hero, you now have the manual.

I am not suggesting by any means that we abandon our party. Don’t throw your vote anywhere else. But we have to find a way to strengthen what’s been emasculated. They must be able to stand with a strong force behind them and that is us. The money givers. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve given in the past; it is future and potential dollars they’re worried about.

So to Congress,

it’s simple, say no to the status quo and pass healthcare. No new bill, no more conferencing. The polls are right about one thing. Process kills support. Stop the ugly sausage making and pass the Senate Bill. I answered those questionnaires you sent out asking what the party’s priorities should be. We overwhelmingly told you healthcare. Pass it! House Democrats, you need to swallow your pride. And its all about your pride right now. The bill isn’t perfect. It isn’t close to perfect. I wanted a “robust” public option. But you know what else I wanted? I want my cousin who lost her job a few years ago and has been “temping” ever since because she basically aged out of the market, to have healthcare. I wanted my cancer history to not one day knock me out of the insurance that I pay for. I want over 30 million people without coverage to be helped while stopping the drain on our economy. What do you want? You’ve all said, even the Republicans, that the status quo is unacceptable. Well the only thing you’re giving us right now is the status quo. And why? Pettiness and selfishness. I can’t really blame Massachusetts because I guess they are following your callous lead…”I have healthcare, screw the rest of the country.” Because you do have health insurance right?

So I’ll say it again, no money until its passed. If I sound like an overprotective parent holding off my child’s trust fund until they are more mature, so be it. That is exactly what is necessary. You actually think that “moving on” to other topics is what the country wants? We want action! And you all know as well as I do that a failure at healthcare, a failure at something you spent almost a year on will cripple us. The Republicans are not gonna decide to work with us. Their goal is to break President Obama and if we come back to the game fractured they will smell more blood. And we are fractured. How hypocritical is it of us to talk about the shrinking GOP and the fact that it isn’t an umbrella party. Neither are we. We’ve turned into scared conserva-dems vs. impatient uber-liberals, while the majority of us are in the center victimized by your agendas. Well we are over it. We’re over you. You don’t get a pass because there is a (D) beside your name. PASS IT! It’s not perfect. Not close to perfect. It won’t be perfect. But it’s not the status quo. Pass it! Add amendments later. Show that democrats are capable. Stop whining and do something.

Do not ask for any more money until it is passed. I received the 2010 DNC member card with the President’s nice note “hoping I can count on you”. Not for money you can’t until your congress PASSES HEALTHCARE! I also received a card and request from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. With a deadline of February 15, 2010. Sounds good to me. PASS HEALTHCARE BY THEN AND WE ARE IN BUSINESS! My Senator Chuck Schumer unselfishly asked me for my money to support a democratic Senate candidate from Missouri. Since the Senate selfishly held up this process I’ll have to say no. James Carville asked for money for the DSCC. The senate again. I don’t think so. And even my beloved New York State Democratic Party Victory Fund gets the big no. I don’t know the ins and outs of where the money goes but there doesn’t seem to be any bang for my bucks. And finally, Speaker Pelosi, I appreciated the Christmas card but the request for money, not so much.

We need the U.S. House of Representatives to pass the Senate Healthcare bill so you and the Senate can get back to governing the country like the capable mature majority leaders you have the potential to be.

Join the No to Status Quo pledge at

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