Thursday, April 3, 2008

Open letter to MSNBC analysts

I don't know which is more offensive: MSNBC hiring analysts that are clueless or MSBNC hiring analysts who treat the viewer as an idiot. Listen up Chris, Joe, Keith, Tucker, Andrea, David and yes even the big guys Tim, Tom and Brian.
I am not stupid! You know I'm not stupid! You are not stupid! I know you're not stupid!
Great. Now that we've gotten that out of the way let's deal with what has to be the absolutely most important question facing our nation today. Not the economy stupid.

Why would Senator Obama continue to keep company with a minister the likes of Reverend Jeremiah Wright? How could he see complexities where there obviously are none? How can he allow for a man with offensive opinions to otherwise have anything of value to say? Don't we know that everything is black and white? Like Senator Obama...Black AND White.

It seems that all of you over there really, truly, and earnestly don't understand the Senator's behavior so you have to ask these questions again and again. And again.
But the fact is, you do know the answer. We all know the answer. We get the answer everyday on your political shows. The one consistent person who makes an appearance on all of them... Pat Buchanan. Over the years he has made some of the most offensive, incendiary and racially charged statements aired, yet this network continues to value his opinion as a political analyst. And though Chris Matthews from time to time will take him to task for some of his remarks, for the most part he's treated with respect. But I understand that. Why you ask? Because I'm not stupid. Pat Buchanan is an experienced political insider. He's been in the game longer than I've been alive and (unfortunately) he speaks for a segment of our country. He's not hired to make us feel hopeful or to inspire us. He's there to balance the slightly liberal leaning of the network. (See I said slightly, I'm a team player). Grown ups recognize that you don't have to like everything on the menu to go to a certain restaurant. Grown ups know that we don't have to agree with all of the beliefs and opinions of our friends and loved ones. Grown ups accept the fact that our Dentist does a wonderful job even though he doesn't believe a woman should be President. We know that the Nanny we hired is excellent even though she is anti-choice. We hire the best Spanish Tutor for our kids event though they don't believe in evolution. And yes, we even go to a church where sometimes our Reverend or Priest says things we disagree with and rarely if ever do we call them on it. They're our ministers for God's sake. Just for the fact that we are in church we have to believe that God will take care of their trespasses in his or her own way.
So, you don't have to keep asking the question. We get it. Because we are not stupid.

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