Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Romney's Big Hole

At its most basic level, Governor Romney's job creation claim has a big hole in it. Sure, the math is funny... is it thousands, 10,000 or 100,000 jobs? But that's not the hole. Private equity firms create wealth not jobs.
That's not it either. As a direct result of his company's practices jobs were lost, business were closed and communities were devastated. All true but not the hole. The fact is, even if we believe his claim that his time as CEO of Bain Capital, a private equity firm, gave him the skills and experience to create jobs; he has not shown the capacity to take that experience and make it work in government. In that he has failed. Governor Romney has stated ad nauseum that at Bain Capital he created ______thousand jobs. He then took that knowledge and experience to Massachusetts where under his tenure as Governor, they were 47th in job creation (that's 47 out of 50 folks) and had a 12% loss in manufacturing. The fact that he had the "know-how" yet failed miserably, that is the hole. He must explain this discrepancy. He didn't/couldn't do it then but can/will do it now? What was the problem then? A case of over privileged under achieving? Americans want to believe their President will use all the tools in his box to help the American people. If you can fix it, fix it. Its that simple. The Hurricane Katrina devastation was all the more horrifying and distasteful because of the belief and appearance that the government was not doing all they could. And so it is with Mitt Romney. According to him he had the solution. But if he can't make the grade when he already has the answers to the test how can he handle the unseen problems of the presidency? So maybe the Governor could or could not create substantial job growth. The fact is he didn't. He has to tell us why.

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